August is among the months of the year also known as "Beach Time." Why? The reason is obvious, it is one of just a few months when most of the weather encourages us to spend time together, in the sunshine, in the sand, and in the water! That's what beaches are famous for, right?
And beaches are also well known when they allow us to spend our time there without having to wear any clothing or covering. Yes, that means that those who want to are free to be n-a-k-e-d! If the dashes mislead you, the word is naked. That means that men can parade around with their penises bouncing between their legs and their buttocks proudly on display.
There are a number of us who are physically attracted to members the same gender as ourselves. To some people we're referred to as bisexual or gay. Others call us same gender loving and then there are those who are very hateful and judgmental and try to offend us by naming us as faggot, homosexual or pervert. I am one of those men who is physically attracted to my same sex and I prefer to labels of either being gay or just same gender loving.
I am also a man who prefers to be naked or nude. Not just when I'm at the beach but whenever I can do so where ever I happen to be. And when I'm at the beach, I have at times sprouted a full erection of my penis or cock whenever I've seen another man who has caught both my attention and my eye! Sort of like the photographer seen in the picture above. Not always, just sometimes.
The good news is that more of us same gender loving Black men are now evidently more comfortable being who we are (gay and/or same gender loving) and what we are (naturist or nudist). We are now more visible not only at the beaches that allow us to be naked but other places as well. We do need to improve the number of locations where we can legally be without clothes but that's not the point of this blog entry.
The purpose of this blog that I'm creating here is to celebrate my pride in being a Black gay man who's also proud of being a nudist. To share some of my thoughts with you as well as some of my anger and frustration. I also plan to celebrate that as far as I'm concerned, sex isn't something that any of us should be ashamed of.
Gay, nude and proud!
Rashad Meekins